September 6, 2013

Entwined with You (Crossfire #3) by Sylvia Day

'You're different,' he said, touching my face. 
Of course I was. The man I loved had killed for me. A lot of things became inconsequential after a sacrifice like that.
-from Entwined with You by Sylvia Day

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*This review contains spoilers of the previous books in the Crossfire series*
Bared to You (Crossfire #1)        |       Reflected in You (Crossfire #2)

Let me start this review by saying that I read this in between George R. R. Martin books, which is really hilarious. After dense chapters, complicated story lines and a real lack of girly romance I needed a guilty pleasure easy read, and Entwined with You did not disappoint in delivering just that!

Picking up right after the shocking revelation that Gideon Cross murdered Eva Tramell's stalker and rapist ex-step-brother, Entwined with You is a story of growth. Eva and Gideon begin a new chapter of trust and grow more dependent on each other as they secretly rekindle their relationship, careful of police and media. It seems that their lives can't cut them a break, what with Gideon's crazy, vengeful and jealous exes, and Eva's overprotective parents and dirty past popping up everywhere; but Gideon and Eva show how far they've come and prove that together they can take on anything.

I am still completely on the fence with this series. Even though it seems like a pretty straight forward copycat of 50 Shades of Grey, I have always been a strong proponent that these books are far better written and have stronger characters than its mainstream predecessor. I love that both Eva and Gideon have traumatic pasts to work through and that Eva isn't an innocent virgin unsuspecting of her own sexuality. However, the more time I spend reading these books the more I feel like they are trying too hard. While this novel had much more action happening to move the story forward (compared to Reflected in You), the melodramatics and vapid dialogue drove me absolutely crazy. I wonder if the author reads the dialogue aloud to see if it sounds realistic because to me it was embarrassing to imagine people talking like Gideon, Eva and even Cary. I know this isn't supposed to be a realistic story, of course; but I wished the dialogue wouldn't remind me of this so often.

I will definitely be reading the last two books in this (now) quintet Crossfire series, mostly because I can't not finish a series once I'm this deep; but also because I really do enjoy Eva and Gideon. I read this book in 24 hours, so clearly I enjoyed it (albeit guiltily) and I'm going to miss reading it now that I've finished. But this one is definitely aimed at the sappy ladies and best read behind the privacy of your e-reader. ;)

Bottom Line: As I've said before, if you're a 50 Shades lover, this series blows that series out of the water in terms of writing, sexuality and character growth. If you're already invested in the series, I recommend this book as well. Anyone else: read at your own risk - a lot of intense sex and a lot of melodramatics (which could totally be your thing, but I dig it more in moderation).  3/5 stars (although it's definitely better than the second book, Reflected in You.).

And, as always, here is my customary Ian Somerhalder picture, because I think he needs to play a sex-god billionaire at some point in his career!! Now that casting for 50 Shades of Grey has been announced {UGH re: Christian, right?!}, I think he would definitely be better suited for Gideon Cross!  
Lions Gate, do you hear me?!

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